(Note: Chinese Iron-Abacus astrology uses minutes)Ĭhinese Astrology is from the Yin Yang theory. Then you can follow Lucky Element Guide to find your life path in a smarter way.

We strongly believe that it can provide a better Life Rise and Fall Chart for you. This is the reason we use the Five Pillars, Ten Characters birth chart. After adjustment by the birth month of seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter), then the total score of Five Elements will be close to 360, which is the degree of a circle. The total score of Five Elements of Ten Characters is 300. One Character (Symbol) contains 30 scores of Five Elements. The Day Master (Upper Symbol of Day Column), which represents the person, becomes in the center of the birth chart. New Chinese astrology birth chart contains Five Pillars, which are Hour, Month, Day, Hour, and Minute columns. It contains information about retirement and late age. The Birth Minute is the Seed of Plant.It contains information about children and our golden age. It contains information about marriage and our middle age. It contains information about parents and our growing age. The Birth Month is the Sprout of Plant.It contains information about ancestors and our early age. The Birth Year is the Root of the Plant.Very often, Chinese Astrology uses the cycle of Wood (plant) to explain our cycle of life.